From The Studio Gallery’s website:
On March 17, 2020, most of us were anticipating a day in which there would be a nod to the Irish St. Patrick, an excuse to wear something green, and looking forward to the start of Spring. For some of us, the cancellation of that night’s dinner reservation was a metaphor of what was to come in the next 48 hours: the abrupt shut-down and closing of all but essential services; a sheltering in place against an invisible enemy; a confusing confluence of restrictions and mis-directions; and the growing realization that day-to-day life, as we knew it, had changed, utterly. The coronavirus shifted everyone’s priorities. As the numbers of cases and deaths spiraled upwards, artists everywhere faced the mounting pressures of isolation, loss of access to tools and materials, the interruption of our work and our expectations. All of this, often, was in direct conflict with the changing responsibilities for our relatives and neighbors.
This exhibit of work, most of which was completed within the last fourteen months, reflects our individual responses to our personal situations, to the stresses in our lives, to the catastrophe that is this pandemic, to the social unrest and political strife. The artworks are intricate, incorporating the intimate hand work and careful detail that has helped each of us to find serenity and harness our strengths. The work has brought us together as artists, as women, as friends and as members of our community.
Please check out the website, or call to schedule a visit to the gallery.