The Washington Rare Book Group Scholarship to Rare Book School has made its debut and will make its first award in 2019. The scholarship will offer tuition to one RBS class per year to an applicant from the DC region. See the announcement here: The scholarship will be administered by RBS, and the recipient will be chosen by the RBS Scholarship Committee. Many thanks indeed to the membership for making this opportunity available! Offering the scholarship is a big step for our small but enthusiastic group, and it is inspired by our desire to attract young members, support RBS’s education of librarians, collectors, educators, and book artists, and contribute to the bibliographic community. The continued success of the scholarship will depend on the generosity of our members. We hope that you will consider including the WRBG scholarship in your charitable giving. Contributions can be made by credit card and paypal via the button below, and can also be made by check to WRBG PO Box 1387 Washington DC 20013. Contributions to the fund are tax-deductible, as are your membership dues.