The application deadline for 2020-2021 fellowships is January 17, 2020. Please note that due to the Houghton Library building renovation, the fellowship year will start later than usual, running from September 2020 through June 2021. 

Houghton Library is Harvard’s principal repository for rare books and manuscripts, literary and performing arts archives, and more. Its collections range from the ancient to the contemporary and from the local to the international and brim with research potential. Houghton staff take pride not only in the knowledge held and preserved in the library, but especially in the new discoveries and creations our holdings enable and inspire.

The Visiting Fellowship program offers scholars at all stages of their careers funding to pursue projects that require in-depth research on the library’s holdings, draw on staff expertise, and participate in intellectual life at Harvard. Preference is given to applicants whose research is closely based on materials in Houghton collections, especially when those materials are unique.

In particular, we want to highlight two new fellowships: the Maryette Charlton Fellowship for the Performing Arts to assist scholarly research on gender and sexuality in the performing arts, and the Donald and Mary Hyde Fellowship for Research in Early Modern Black Lives, including Africa and the African Diaspora, 1500–1800. In connection with the Hyde Research Fellowship, we are also interested in proposals for research in Houghton collections to support a future exhibition on early modern portraiture of people of color. Interested applicants should discuss their expertise in the subject and strategies for identifying such material in our collections.

Fellowships are normally not granted to scholars who live within commuting distance of the library. Fellows are expected to be in residence at Houghton for at least four weeks during the period from September 2020 through June 2021 (these do not have to be consecutive weeks), and each fellow will be required to produce a written summary of his/her experience working with the collections.  The stipend for each fellowship is $3,600. The application deadline is January 17, 2020.

For further details and to apply, go to:

Applicants are strongly encouraged to save applications in progress; do not submit your application until it is complete. 

Applicants are required to provide the following:

  • a project proposal
  • a preliminary list of Houghton Library collection materials that will likely be consulted, including HOLLIS catalog call numbers and permalinks
  • a curriculum vitae
  • two letters of reference

Please note: Other than the Katharine F. Pantzer Jr. Fellowship in Descriptive Bibliography and the American Trust for the British Library Fellowship, the specific fellowship best suited to an applicant’s research will be determined by the Selection Committee.

Recipients will be notified by April 1, 2020.

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